
Meterpreter > run post/windows/gather/hashdump This can be remedied by navigating to the registry key, “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanManServer\Parameters” on the target systems and setting the value of RequireSecuritySignature to ‘0’. While testing this in your lab, you may encounter the following error even though you are using the correct credentials: STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED (Command=117 WordCount=0) One important thing to note on this is that if NTLM is only available (for example its a 15+ character password or through GPO they specify NTLM response only), simply replace the ****NOPASSWORD**** with 32 0’s for example: ******NOPASSWORD*******:8846f7eaee8fb117ad06bdd830b7586c We can now go from system to system without ever having to worry about cracking the password. Let’s first say we compromise a system that has an administrator password on the system, we don’t need to crack it because psexec allows us to use just the hash values, that administrator account is the same on every account within the domain infrastructure. Let’s think deeply about how we can use this attack to further penetrate a network. One great method with psexec in metasploit is it allows you to enter the password itself, or you can simply just specify the hash values, no need to crack to gain access to the system. We also have other options like pass the hash through tools like iam.exe.


Often as penetration testers, we successfully gain access to a system through some exploit, use meterpreter to grab the passwords or other methods like fgdump, pwdump, or cachedump and then use rainbowtables to crack those hash values. It was written by Sysinternals and has been integrated within the framework.


The psexec module is often used by penetration testers to obtain access to a given system that you already know the credentials for.


Security Operations for Beginners (SOC-100).Exploit Development Prerequisites (EXP-100).
